Project Application, Review, and Selection Process
The North Coast Resource Partnership has developed a rigorous and adaptive process that ensures fairness, equity, inclusion, and transparency in all activities, from planning through project implementation. This process helps to ensure that the highest priority projects and activities are implemented, and that all partners – including historically underserved and economically disadvantaged communities – are able to access the tools, funding, and support needed to build and maintain capacity to achieve regional goals for healthy landscapes and communities. The process is described in the NCRP Adaptive Planning and Prioritization Framework Story Map.
To be included in the NCRP Plan and to qualify for related implementation funding opportunities, proposed projects must demonstrate how project implementation will contribute to achieving one or more of the NCRP Goals & Objectives, as well as funding source priorities and requirements.
The NCRP project application, review, and selection process is continually revised as needed and as opportunities for input are presented and priorities of funding programs change. It consists of a multi-step progression that involves the participation of the NCRP Leadership Council (LC), Technical Peer Review Committee (TPRC), project sponsors and other regional partners. This process is defined in the NCRP Handbook.
The TPRC is composed of technical and scientific staff appointed from each county Board of Supervisors and North Coast Tribes. One of the TPRC's areas of responsibility is to review and recommend a prioritized slate of NCRP implementation projects based on technical considerations and criteria established by the LC and funding agency.
The process begins with local sponsor project information upload, usually in response to an implementation project solicitation announcement. Projects are reviewed and scored by individual TPRC members, then the TPRC convenes to review and discuss each project. After discussion and score refinement, the group selects a draft portfolio of Priority Projects that is then submitted to the LC for consideration. The LC holds a public meeting to review and make any necessary adjustments to the draft suite of priority projects and approves a final set of priority projects to present for funding.