Request for Technical Assistance Proposals
The North Coast Resource Partnership (NCRP) is pleased to offer Technical Assistance (TA) to Tribes and economically disadvantaged communities to support project development and grant applications for on-the-ground projects that improve forest health, increase wildfire resilience, and help communities and ecosystems address and adapt to climate change.
A significant goal of the TA program is to enable project sponsors to apply for and receive grant funding for implementation projects. Types of TA provided by eligible consultants may include project development and grant development, including activities that directly support grant applications, such as preliminary project design/planning, site assessment, mapping and GIS analysis, permitting, environmental compliance, project benefits quantification, and cost estimates.
NCRP has begun conducting capacity assessments and a survey to inform and prioritize future organizational capacity enhancement investments (including TA) in a fair and transparent manner. The results of this assessment and survey will inform a regional capacity enhancement strategy, which may refine and update the NCRP approach to TA. Please note that the TA program will not consider proposals focused on organizational capacity at this time.
Technical assistance awards are provided in the form of a contract between NCRP and an eligible TA provider authorized to provide consulting services. For a current list of eligible TA providers, please see the List of Consultant Resources for the North Coast Region. The typical value of project development TA awards is $5,000-$15,000.
Eligible applicants include Tribes and organizations serving economically disadvantaged communities (public agencies, local or state agency/special districts, Resource Conservation Districts, non-profit organizations, and public utilities). Please see the NCRP interactive map to determine disadvantaged community status at
Please note the following terms and conditions for TA awards:
- NCRP will enter into only one consultant contract per TA award. Subcontracting is allowed by the lead consultant with NCRP approval, but all subcontractors must meet the same insurance requirements as the lead consultant and insurance certificates must be provided to NCRP before subcontracts will be approved.
- TA awardees must have a contract initiated with a TA provider within one year of the award date. If project sponsors are not able to utilize their awards within one year, they may reapply for a future funding round.
- Upon project completion, project sponsors are required to complete a Final Report that will provide feedback on the efficacy of the technical assistance received and what was accomplished and/or leveraged with the award.
- For project sponsors submitting a new proposal for additional TA for an existing or ongoing project, the first TA contract must be completed, and all deliverables and final reports submitted before a new TA proposal can be considered for further funding. Project sponsors will need to justify the request for additional TA in the Technical Assistance Application Supplemental Information Form.
- To maximize the sustainability of TA funding and ensure fairness across the region, NCRP will be working on policy and program updates that will request more information about project size and impact, and may limit the number of times a project sponsor may submit a proposal for an existing project.
Proposals are reviewed and awards are considered quarterly: February 1, May 1, August 1, November 1.
- Request for Proposals: Technical Assistance for Project Development
- Technical Assistance Application Supplemental Information Form
- Technical Assistance Proposal Instructions
Tribal applicants please contact the NCRP Tribal Engagement team, Sherri Norris, 510-848-2043, and/or Javier Silva, Note that Tribal project sponsors can request proposal assistance from the NCRP Tribal Engagement Team.
Non-Tribal applicants can contact Rose Roberts at
To apply for the project development technical assistance, please submit a proposal that describes the project and the nature of the technical assistance requested.
Step 1. Create an account and add the proposal through the Project Tracker system below by clicking on the relevant buttons. See the Technical Assistance Proposal Instructions
Step 2. Download and complete the Technical Assistance Application Supplemental Information Form (MS Word form). Upload the completed document in the "Additional Data: Attachments and Notes" section of the online Project Tracker project proposal web pages.
*Please note - to submit a Project Proposal you will first need to create an account.