Westport Volunteer Fire Department Wildfire Prevention Plan Development
Project Overview
Westport Volunteer Fire Department Wildfire Prevention Plan Development
- Address Climate Change and Extreme Event Effects, Impacts and Vulnerabilities
- Develop, Collect and Analyze Data at a Variety of Spatial Scales to Inform Priority Projects/Actions
- Ensure that Disadvantaged and Underrepresented Communities Benefit from Initiatives
- Integrate Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Collaboration with Tribes
- Prioritize Plans, Projects and Actions that Result in Long Term Sustainability of Jobs & Revenues
- Protect and Enhance Watersheds and Ecosystems that Provide Water Quality and Supply Benefits
- Respect Local Autonomy and Local Knowledge in NCRP Planning and Implementation
- Work across Jurisdictional Boundaries to Achieve Common Objectives Effectively and Efficiently
NCRP RFFC Technical Assistance (DOC)
Westport Volunteer Fire Department requests TA to obtain a Grant to create a WVFD Area of Influence CWPP. WVFD does not have a CWPP and needs one to be able to obtain funding for Roadside Fuel Reduction and other fuel reduction activities to be included in our CWPP.WVFD is requesting TA for Cal Fire or Coastal Conservy grant writing,TA to get planning maps for work and planning.WVFD will work with our community to identify and prioritize fuel reduction projects, design them, obtain permits, improve ingress, egress and turnaround abilities, provide employment for local residents, and assist our primarily elder populations in defensible space in our SDAC community, include our tribal neighbors
Project Attributes
General Information
Project Description Narrative (1,000 character limit)
We will conduct planning work to create a Wildfire Prevention Plan of the Westport Volunteer Fire Department Area of Influence. Our 190 sq mi Area of Influence has only two paved roads through rugged wilderness. The remainder are privately owned poorly maintained dirt roads too narrow for safe ingress, egress, passing or turn-arounds for emergency vehicles. Roadside fuel reduction is high priority, including shaded fuel break roadways, prescribed cultural burns, invasive plant removal. We have engaged Wailaki and Cahto tribal members in conducting cultural burn, replanting fuel reduction zones. We will work with our contractors and collaborators as well as our neighboring Fire Departments and tribal neighbors to create our CWPP with harmonized methods across our boundaries. There is not accurate mapping of hazards, nor private roads, therefore we need mapping assistance, lidar data created maps for planning and field work, grant writing assistance, as well as permit assistance.
Capacity - Data and Planning, Capacity - Technical Assistance, Community Health and Safety - Community Emergency Planning, Community Health and Safety - Fire-Safe Roads, Community Health and Safety - Fuel Breaks, Ecosystem Conservation and Restoration - Tribal Ecocultural Restoration, Fire Resilient Forests - Fuel Management, Fire Resilient Forests - Tribal Cultural Fire
Spatial Information
Tribal Region
Project Size (Acres)
unable to complete this page, Westport is DAC and has 3 watershed in its project area
Westport is a disadvantaged community, RCAC conducted a survey in 2023 and verified it is a dissadvantaged community
South portion of Usal Creek up to Usal Beach
Contact | |
Additional Representatives |
Authorized Contact |
Project Benefit Performance Measures
Expected Project Benefit Performance Measures
Capacity Enhancement - # of projects | 1 count | |
Capacity Enhancement - Type(s) of CE | Type: Technical Assistance | 1 |
Community Health and Safety - # of projects | Project type: Fire hardening & defensible space | 1 count |
Environmental justice and social equity - # of projects | Activity focus: Capacity building | 1 count |
Jobs created or retained (FTE) | 0.1 | |
Technical Assistance - Type(s) of TA | Type of Technical Assistance: Workshops & training | 1 |
Technical Assistance - Type(s) of TA | Type of Technical Assistance: Plan development | 1 |
Technical Assistance - Type(s) of TA | Type of Technical Assistance: GIS/mapping | 1 |
Technical Assistance - Type(s) of TA | Type of Technical Assistance: Project Design | 1 |
Technical Assistance - Type(s) of TA | Type of Technical Assistance: Organizational development/strategic planning | 1 |
Technical Assistance - Type(s) of TA | Type of Technical Assistance: Grant applications | 1 |
Technical Assistance - Type(s) of TA | Type of Technical Assistance: Permitting | 1 |
Reported Project Benefit Performance Measures
Reported Project Benefit Performance Measures are not relevant for Projects in the Planning/Design stage.
Comment: | None provided |
Reported Expenditures
No Expenditures have been reported for this Project.
Note: | None provided |
Project Types
Project Types
We are applying for TA to obtain maps of our project area to develop metrics while planning for work to be done. Our project area is rugged with few roads, mostly private. Thus we need lidar and other specialized imagery analysis to determine number of miles etc, types of vegetation etc for adaptive management, and to create maps for planning and execution of our projects.
We are applying for assistance in obtaining TA capacity building to create a Westport Volunteer FD Area of Influence CWPP. It is our intention to be inclusive and expansive in obtaining input in the planning and design process and create a living document for use in obtaining funding, executing projects and monitoring impact. Potential input providers include Wailaki, Cahto, agencies, WVFD Area of Influence Landowners, Businesses (such as Mendocino Redwood Company, Event Venues, Redwood Forest Foundation/Usal Forest), stores, hotels, wineries, campgrounds, Parks, Save the Redwoods League, BLM
We are applying for TA to develop CWPP planning. We expect to build local capacity and more job tracks for our SDAC community. including Grant writers, grant Administration and reporting, project management, licenced environmental and forest professionals, fuel reduction supervisors and crews, as well as accountanting and bookkeeping, community organizers and community facilitators.
It is our intention to develope a plan that creates more local employment opportunities and local business and NGO income in wildfire protection and wildfire resiliency for local employers and professional / technical / skilled labor career tracks for locals. Westport worked with RCAC in 2023 to survey our community and we did document we are DAC.
It is our planning intention to conduct faciliated discussion, round tables, work days, workshops, webinars, flyers, events and other collaborative relationship building processes to expand our SDAC community's relationship with each other, our neighbors, businesses, public land managers, and logging companies, as well as tribal nations, supporting agencies and organizations locally and nearby with our neighboring communities. RCAC conducted an income survey of Westport in 2023 and verified it is a DAC community.
It is our planing intention to include beneficial fire, fuel management, biochar. We will also plan for obtaining a greater understanding and facilitate methods that are feasible to longterm maintenance through replanting strategic native species selection and other traditional indiginous approaches, as well as iterative forest health management in restoration. We will enable our tribal populations to conduct and demonstrate indigenous practices to develop BMPs for sustainable change.
It is our intention to develop plans and projects that include emergency planning, evacuation planning, engage CERT and Red Cross, and reduce catastrophic wildfires through fuel reduction and fuel breaks. We will plan for emergency shelters, routes, and evacuee support, home hardening and community fuel breaks as well as CERT and Red Cross trailers, facilies, kitchens and shower trailers and other support/training. Our comunity has already started to work in this direction. In summer, we can have 7000 overnight visitors (tourists) in our area of influence.
In the long term WVFD and Westport County Water District are working together to plan funding for improvements and upgrades to water distribution / waste water processing and storage and each WVFD or WCWD facility. A CWPP for Westport VFD could include improvements to the private roads to allow safer emergency vehicle road egress, ingress, turn arounds as well as solar power storage, upgraded public utility drinking water storage and delivery and waste water management and internet connectivity.
CA is still learning about the longterm impacts of fuel reduction and other fire resiliency practices. There is much to learn in reducing the maintenance burden of completed fire reliancy work. The coastal zone is partiularly complex, diverse, dynamic and sensitive to changes. Our planning team would be well suited to work together to improve post resiliency treatment BMP's together. WVFD Area of Influence includes 3 entire watershed PODS of Juan Creek Frontal Pacific Ocean, Cottonena Creek and Wages Creek and the south portion of Usal Creek POD for HUC 12, HUC 8 is Big-Novaro-Gualala.
The coast is heavily impacted by shifting and extreme weather and climate events. Its extensive forests and shoreline have unique emission and sequestration qualities and are sensitive to sea level changes. These qualities are important to understanding ecosystem conservation and restoration.
Project Details
WVFD TA Grant Supplementary Information and Certificate of Authority
- Uploaded On
- 12/17/2023
- File Type
- Description
- WVFD TA Grant Supplementary Information and Certificate of Authority. Includes presence of HU watershed pods and status of SDAC in Supplementary Info because those layer were not working in the entry of location pages as per request of Rose Roberts.
Westport VFD Certificate of Authority
- Uploaded On
- 12/16/2023
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- Description
- Westport VFD Certificate of Authority for this NCRP TA grant application
WVFD Organization Statement of Qualifications
- Uploaded On
- 12/16/2023
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- Description
- Westport Volunteer Fire Department Statement of Qualifications
WVFD Fuel Reduction Supplementary Information
- Uploaded On
- 12/17/2023
- File Type
- Description
- Background information on WVFD and Prior Fire History, Community Demographics, Description of the Area of Influence, Experience in Implementing Fuel Mitigation Programs, Public Lands and Parks in Area of Influence
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